Choose the ones you like and let the album owner know which ones you've picked when done Tap an image to expand view, click the heart to LIKE. Slow swipe right or left to switch from grid to single view. More...
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wants your help selecting the best photos from this set!
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Don't worry, there's no login required to vote or personal information collected. It's literally just any nickname you decide to give ("john doe", "mary jane", "secret admirer", etc).
To like an image tap the heart icon or double click the image.
Clicking an image once, in grid view, will switch to single-column list view.
Swiping right or left will switch from list to grid view and back. Click the "+" or "-" to add more images per grid view row - up to 6 thumbnail images per row.
Long press images to pop an image into single view mode for zooming and more detailed image views.
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